Tag : Jewish Women’s Archive

January 26, 2021 by

How Did Your Family Come About? •

There have been many taboos around family-building in the American Jewish community, with secrets surrounding adoption, sperm donation and more. A new collaboration that uses the Jewish Women’s Archive mobile app Story Aperture in cooperation with Hadassah, the Jewish Women’s Zionist Organization of America and Uprooted offers individuals the opportunity to share their stories, however they define family. Women, men and nonbinary participants can record themselves or be interviewed by friends or loved ones. Suggested prompts help guide the conversations.


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The Lilith Blog

August 10, 2020 by

Countering Isolation with Poetry

Over the last few months, I have found myself attending fewer and fewer of the Zoom live-streamed events that keep popping up on my Facebook page. What at first seemed like an exciting way to connect to new and old faces in the age of social distancing has started to feel like more of a chore, a less-than-pleasant activity to be avoided whenever possible. Time and time again, I exit these Zoom events feeling even more isolated than before.

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“Poetry in Times of Peril,” presented by Hebrew College-Interfaith Youth Core PsalmSeason project, with co-sponsors Jewish Women’s Archive and Lilith magazine, could have added to that feeling of isolation. Instead, it addressed those feelings of isolation head-on, and as a result, actually left me feeling more connected to the rest of the world.

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January 14, 2020 by

Story Aperture •

With a new story-collecting mobile app, Story Aperture, you can record your own Jewish women’s stories, preserve the memo- ries of family and friends, document a com- munity’s collective history, or record cultural moments as they happen. Start your record- ing with an introduction: “Today is (date). My name is …, and I am interviewing (narrator’s name), who was born on (date of birth) in (place of birth). (Narrator’s name), do I have your permission to record this interview and submit it to the Jewish Women’s Archive?”

Your stories can be uploaded directly to become part of the collective narrative of the Jewish Women’s Archive. jwa.org

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