Join the conversation; join a Lilith salon!

What’s a Lilith salon?
It’s a quarterly gathering where you’ll encounter new ideas and new people when you come together to talk about the original and provocative thinking you find in each new issue. Lilith will provide trigger questions to help get the conversation started. All you have to do is be a subscriber.

Can I join a Lilith salon? Can I start my own?
Yes! There are currently Lilith salons meeting in over 90 cities across the U.S. and Canada. Contact us to find out more.

What’s it like?
The conversations—with women like and unlike yourself—are more free-flowing than a book group (with fewer pages to read), more feminist than your typical social action group, less spiritual than a rosh hodesh group, and more participatory than a lecture—with enough food and drink to keep the conversation flowing. Read more about salons in The Power of Jewish Women’s Conversations.

How about salons for college students?
Lilith has special arrangements for campus salons. Get in touch for more info.