Tag : alicia jo rabins

The Lilith Blog

August 10, 2020 by

Countering Isolation with Poetry

Over the last few months, I have found myself attending fewer and fewer of the Zoom live-streamed events that keep popping up on my Facebook page. What at first seemed like an exciting way to connect to new and old faces in the age of social distancing has started to feel like more of a chore, a less-than-pleasant activity to be avoided whenever possible. Time and time again, I exit these Zoom events feeling even more isolated than before.

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“Poetry in Times of Peril,” presented by Hebrew College-Interfaith Youth Core PsalmSeason project, with co-sponsors Jewish Women’s Archive and Lilith magazine, could have added to that feeling of isolation. Instead, it addressed those feelings of isolation head-on, and as a result, actually left me feeling more connected to the rest of the world.

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July 9, 2019 by

A Drummer’s Bat Mitzvah •

Drummer/ecologist Lisa Schonberg and musician/Torah teacher Alicia Jo Rabins are featured in “Chavruta: Drummer’s Bat Mitzvah,” a 15-minute documentary short by filmmaker Jodi Darby who follows Lisa and Alicia as they trade drum lessons for Torah lessons in a project that combines ritual, study and art. It’s all to prepare for Lisa’s adult bat mitzvah. The two explore Sumerian goddesses, the history of women’s drumming in the ancient Near East, female spiritual leadership, ecology, and how we pass on wisdom from one generation to the next. aliciajo.com/chavruta

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The Lilith Blog

November 12, 2018 by

#MeToo and the Women of the Bible

Esther Denouncing Haman, by Ernest Normand (1888)

Esther Denouncing Haman, by Ernest Normand (1888)

Women telling intimate truths in the public sphere. Women raising their voices to demand they be treated fairly. Women challenging the leaders of the land to listen compassionately to their stories. We think of this as a contemporary phenomenon: the #metoo movement culminating most recently in allegations of sexual misconduct against our new Supreme Court justice, Brett Kavanaugh.

But in truth, women have been speaking up for a long time. Millennia, at least. We need to look no further than the stories of the Hebrew Bible.

Granted, this all-time bestseller reflects the values of its time; you can hardly turn a page without tripping over what we now call sexism, among other isms. However, the Bible also contains a number of stories of women speaking up for themselves and each other.

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