Floreva G. Cohen

So I Had to Write it Myself

Stories for Jewish children were few and far between 20 years ago. Some “Jeremy and Judy” stories had Jewish content, but lacked plot. Even fewer spoke to a child’s feelings and experiences. We needed new stories.

I decided to try my hand at writing an erev Yom Kippur story that reflected the feeling of my own family getting ready for the fast. No matter how early we would begin our pre-fast meal, there was always the rush to finish and arrive in shul at the prescribed time. What did the youngest member of the family think of everything? Did he really understand the concept of wearing sneakers to shul? Sneakers to Shul was published 18 years ago.

Floreva G. Cohenan early childhood educator, is the author of Hanukkiah for Dina, Before Shabbat Begins, and My Special Friend, and the coauthor of First Steps in Learning Torah With Young Children.


Sugar & Spice – and Beyond

The articles in this special section:

Books for the 90s

Sara N.S. Meirowitz

Jewish (But Not Feminist)

Sara N.S. Meirowitz

Feminist (But Not Jewish)

Sara N.S. Meirowitz

Deborah & Letty

Letty Cottin Pogrebin

Please Write One More…

Elizabeth Michaelson

The Book under My Pillow

Leslea Newman

Girls Who Thought about Sex

Barbara Brenner

Searching for Jewish Clues

Johanna Hurwitz

Jewish Rabbits

Rachel Kadish

The Impact of Reality

Yona Zeldis McDonough

God Will Have to Allow It

Esther Hautzig

Sarah Was My Soulmate

Rebecca Goldstein

Safe in America

Paula J. Caplan

So I Had to Write it Myself

Floreva G. Cohen

They were all Orthodox

Deborah Brodie