Rebecca Goldstein

Sarah Was My Soulmate

All-of-a-Kind Family, by Sydney Taylor, wasn’t so much read as lived. It’s a nostalgic book, but little kids are susceptible to nostalgia. Like the all-of-a-kind sisters themselves, I wasn’t able to buy books but instead borrowed them from the library. Somehow we happened to own this book. I read it an uncountable number of times, so that the various incidents— especially the crisis of Sarah’s losing the library book—seem almost, still to this day, like chapters from my own life. I felt close to each of these five sisters, though Sarah, shy and a little lost in the world, was my soulmate. The story of the library lady and Charlie formed my first notion of tragic romance, until they were replaced, several years later, by a certain Jane and her Mr. Rochester.

Rebecca Goldstein is the author of several books, including The Mind/Body Problem and, most recently, Mazel (Viking). She is a 1996 MacArthur Foundation Fellow.


Sugar & Spice – and Beyond

The articles in this special section:

Books for the 90s

Sara N.S. Meirowitz

Jewish (But Not Feminist)

Sara N.S. Meirowitz

Feminist (But Not Jewish)

Sara N.S. Meirowitz

Deborah & Letty

Letty Cottin Pogrebin

Please Write One More…

Elizabeth Michaelson

The Book under My Pillow

Leslea Newman

Girls Who Thought about Sex

Barbara Brenner

Searching for Jewish Clues

Johanna Hurwitz

Jewish Rabbits

Rachel Kadish

The Impact of Reality

Yona Zeldis McDonough

God Will Have to Allow It

Esther Hautzig

Sarah Was My Soulmate

Rebecca Goldstein

Safe in America

Paula J. Caplan

So I Had to Write it Myself

Floreva G. Cohen

They were all Orthodox

Deborah Brodie