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Back Issues



In a Jewish women’s community in jail, a conversation about prison life. Jewish women’s volunteer organizations: vanguard or rear guard?



Why Golda Meir left us a legacy of Zionism sans feminism. Cynthia Ozick’s vindication of the rights of Jewish women.



Judith Plaskow & Annette Daum on Christian feminist anti-Semitism. Why can’t women say kaddish? How to get what we want by the year 2000.



The Jewish stake in abortion rights. Women in the Israeli army. Diary of Rose Pastor Stokes, sweatshop laborer.

Spring/Summer 1982

Spring/Summer 1982

Blu Greenberg: How an Orthodox woman can be a feminist. Aviva Cantor’s egalitarian hagadah, incorporating writings by and about women.

Winter 1983

Winter 1983

Pornography proliferates in Israel. Are feminists changing Judaism? Answers from two leaders of Ezrat Nashim, the game-changing women’s collective.

Fall/Winter 1983

Fall/Winter 1983

Fiction & poetry by Jewish women writers from across the world. Cynthia Ozick on Torah as the matrix for feminism.

Winter/Spring 1985

Winter/Spring 1985

"All Jews are responsible for one another," but how do we define the boundaries between responsibility & guilt?



"All Jews are responsible for one another," but how do we define the boundaries between responsibility & guilt?

Fall/Winter 1985-1986

Fall/Winter 1985-1986

How the Wild West was liberating for Jewish women. Rabbi Amy Eilberg becomes the first female Conservative rabbi.


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Winter 2020-21

Joan Roth's feminist photography • Young, queer and quarantined • The women who uphold the patriarchy • Abortion, then and now. • Breaking a taboo • And more

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