In this issue: Out of the closet and under the huppah—a lesbian couple and their traditional wedding. Plus—being out as a Jew in lesbian circles. How to act ethically if you hire household help. A post-9/11 search in lower Manhattan. One therapist needs an un-marriage ceremony to mark her Jewish divorce.

Who Cleans Your House?

by Alice Sparberg Alexiou

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One Candle for Sophie

fiction by Evelyn Krieger

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Getting the Get

by Barbara M. Stock

"I needed an un-marriage ceremony," Stock says. A therapist tells, surprisingly, of how moving and useful she found her Jewish divorce.

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Disappointed by Zippers

by Michele Herman

A remarkable post-9/11 visit to lower Manhattan.

Coming Out in the Orthodox World

by Tamar A. Prager

Here's how one lesbian couple—wanting the blessings both of their parents and of Jewish tradition—melded Judaism and their gay identity.

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Shade of My Grandmother

poetry by Susan Terris

A Woman of Uncertain Character

by Clancy Sigal

The amorous and radical adventures of my mother Jennie (who always wanted to be a respectable Jewish mom) by her bastard son

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