Jewish women’s salons: making a revolution in your living room. How a courageous bubbe saved the Kentucky coal mine strikers. Vulva consciousness.
$25.00The JAP today: Revile her, or reclaim her? How Jewish do Jewish women feel when their partners aren’t? Second-generation Holocaust memories.
$25.00"Our Body Ourselves" at 35, and its unsettling changes. Passionate Paintings from Joan Snyder. A new Hanukah heroine: Judith.
$25.00Words can hurt: verbal trauma from an abusive spouse. Female reporters have a different lens on the news from Israel. Looking for (late) romance.
$25.00Single Jewish women adopting Chinese orphans. Trafficking modern-day sex slaves. Is a stay-at-home mom wasting her Harvard degree?
$18.00Out of the closet & under the huppah: a lesbian couple & their traditional wedding. How do you treat your household help?
$25.00How do women define what’s sacred? Lilith turns 30 and listens to 30-year-olds. Honoring your best friend - a ritual Judaism forgot to create for...
$25.00Stars of Yiddish stage who are still wooing audiences. Sex & suppression in ultra-Orthodox communities. How three grieving mothers became activists.
$25.00A philanthropist gives feminist art what it deserves. Lesbian rabbis, Jewish law, & blessings for changing your gender. Being childless in Israel.