In this issue: Weddings in a feminist age: resisting white, stretching Jewish traditions, and the wedding photographer’s secret insights. A Jew by choice cares; her born-Jewish husband couldn’t care less. Plus: “What converts talk about when Jews aren’t around.” Kadya Molodowsky, the queen of Yiddish literature. Passover, after the slavery of anorexia.

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Subscriber Exclusive

A Convert’s Passion for Judaism

by Kathleen Perotis

What happens when a (formerly Greek Orthodox) woman feels passionately Jewish, but her born-Jewish husband does not.

What Converts Talk About (When Jews aren’t Around)

by Angela Himsel

Eavesdrop on women reminiscing about bacon, Jesus and other discarded elements of their foregone faith.

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The Personal Becomes Political

by Eleanor J. Bader

We’re staggering under the responsibilities of caring for aging relatives, but government and volunteer agencies are often no help. One expert says it out loud: "Legislatures are dominated by men."

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Subscriber Exclusive

The Yiddish Queen and her “Menersher Kop”

by Sheva Zucker

Meet Kadya Molodowsky, one of the greatest writers of Yiddish literature. A quarter-century after her death, a new book delivers her poetry in full to English readers.

All Who are Hungry

by Ilana Kurshan

Feasting again, a college student uses Passover to celebrate freedom from the slavery of anorexia.

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Subscriber Exclusive